Thursday, September 22, 2016


Hello, my name is Valentina and I am 21 years old. I study sociolgy in the university of Chile and this is my third year in the faculty.
Today  I am going to talk about a easey topic, because I think that is funny and you can have a lot o differents opinions about it. The topic is about books. I really like books, but recently I haven't read any one because I am very busy with the books that I have to reed for my carrer. I miss to read  books of science -fiction, or even books like historical novels. But the stories that I like the most are about crime, police, mistery and stories about detectives. When I was in the secundary I liked very much Artur Conan Doyle and his stories about Sherlock Holmes. I still like it, and now I am watching the serie Shelock from the BBC.
What kind of books and stories do you prefer? What was the last book (novel, poetry or another genre) that you reed? I think that the last for me was one that my best friend recomended me. The name of the book was "El último Tango de Salvador Allende", and the autor is Roberto Ampuero. I liked that story and was really sad in the end. Is a fictional story but, as you can know, it conteins historical events that happen in Chile in 1973.
Well I'll wait for your opinions
That's all folks!


  1. Lately, I have been reading russians authors from XIX century: Pushkin, Chejov and Turgueniev. I love reading, but it's true that due the career it's more difficult to find time to read other books :( Literally, it's necessary "to steal" time for the books you want
    P.S: BBC's Sherlock is the best! I'm waiting for the next season!

  2. Hello Valentina! Is it a topic very interesting to me, I like read but I also have read for the university and I don’t have time, I remember one book that I read when go to school of detectives but I do not remember the name, only remember that I like so much.
    I hope read the book of historic of Allende. Last book I read is “Y las montañas hablaron”.
