Thursday, November 17, 2016


Hello! Today is a very hot day. I would like to go to any beach right now. But anyway... today I am going to talk about someone... I'll give you some clues:
Who is someone? is a very special pearson to me and for my sister .I meet this pearson when I was  13 years old (maybe, I don't remember the age exactly). I always liked the old movies and someday, my uncle lend us a box with a lot of movies. My sister and I inspect the box and there were a diferent kinds of movies. Some of the movies were like, westerns, old films in black and white, and movies very recomended like "Cinema Paradiso" and "El tambor de hojalata". Anyway, classic movies. And this man was in many of the movies.
 Yeah! fisrt clue,  This pearson is a male. He was born in the of the 19th century and lived for the  big part of the 20th century. He grown in in the poor localities of England and he had a very sad history. Specially for the circustances of his family: His father abandoned his family, and his mother, that was a singer and also  had mental problems, had to take care of his brother and also him. After that his mother had to stay in a nursing home, he and his brother went to a school for orphaned childrens. Then he started to study and continued working in very differents works. After a very complicated story, he became a very recongized actor (I know, I cut a big part of the biograpgy, but it was so long!). And now he is remember like a famous actor of his time and also for a polemic about his recognition.
Second clue:  The controversy  was about the Oscar prize. The academy didn't wanted to give the prize to a comunist. And also he was exiled in another country for his politics convictions. Just, when this actor was very old (he was 85 I think), the academy gave him the Honorific Oscar for all his work.
Third clue: How was his work? Well, was very funny. Most of his work was comedy, with a drop of sadness. Also he was very critic with the nazis in the second world war. And now his is remember for a special speech in a satiric movie.
Fourth and also the final clue: He was friend of Albert Einstain.

If He would lived today, I would like to ask him what  he thinks about the society today. Maybe he could give a very amazing analisis.
Well, I gave you all the clues. Can you imagine who he is?

P.s: If you think this has no sense, then  go directly to the link.

That's all folks


  1. ohh I read the post and think in Chaplin but I wasn't secure and I had to open the link jajaj I like very much Chaplin, is a amazing actor :)

  2. I just want to say one thing: I love Chaplin.

  3. I think that Chaplin is a great actor, and he was a critical of this society, still he is remember for the people.
