Thursday, November 24, 2016


Hello! Today I  practiced a little of my english vocabulary, and well, the marks were ... good?
Well, was very disappointing the third activity in the part of reading. I think one of my problems is that I read fast and I am a little impatient when I try to find the answer. So, I usually don't reed all the words that are necesary to understand the complete text  But, generally, I like read in english and I don´t have that kind of problems... but anyway I will try to be more slow in my reading.
I think,  the most difficult part for me is the listening, and I don't know exactly why. When I llisten the miss in the class, I can undersatnd, But when I am listening a recording of a voice in a machine I can't hear very good. Also, I like the british acent (I think is very cool) but when I hear their voices in the machine I don't uderstand anything! I hope to treat that illness someday (before the exam)
And in the vocabulary, the story was the same like in the first activity. I was very rushed reading. So I really need to try to solve that problem.
In the next opportinity I will try to practice more of my listening and the reading.
That's all folks!


  1. Well, you can try and practice a little in the next few weeks. Maybe with more Sherlock

  2. The listening is terriblee!! but nothing is impossible, any wea! How Nicolas Massu would say
