Thursday, November 10, 2016

My favourite artist

Hi! are you well?. Today I am going to talk about my favourite artist and again... is difficult. I have a lot and some of them are really important in my live. I think the music makes the memories more special and well, for every special situation exist a special song. I like bands like Pink Floyd, Creedence Clearwater Revival, The Beatles , Led Zepellin (they are the clasics) and another bands like Coldplay  (the old Coldplay), Travis and Muse. But, for now, I think that I am going to talk about Travis, because the band came to Santiago the last saturday.
I discoverd Travis when I was a child but in that time I didn't knew them. I used to listen their songs in the radio, and when I had my first laptop I discovered the name of the band. That was the same story for all my favourite bands, except for the clasics, because my father knew them.
What I like about Travis? obviously their songs but also I like  the emotions that they transmit. The music is simple (they don't have the complexity of Pink Floyd) but is nice and sometimes the stories behind the songs are really sad or at least makes you think about your live in another perspective.
Maybe you know some of their songs. Songs like: "Side", "Why does it always rain on me", "Closer", Re -offender" and "Flowers in the window".  My favourites are "Side", "Re-offender" (specifically the intention behind this song) and " "Writing to reach you".  Also "I like Why does it always rain on me", buy I listen that song when something really bad happens to me...just in cases.
How I said before. Travis came to Chile the last saturday, in the Padre Alberto Hurtado Park. Was a great show and they sang all my favourites songs and  also the vocalist was very funny. He went down to the audience and then, he get on the shoulders of a man called Alvaro, and he started to sing in there. I think that Alvaro was really surprised and happy after all.

That's all folks!


  1. Hello Valentina!
    I love the credence, pink floy, led zepellin. Maybe you know the bee gees, scorpions, Metallica...I do not know Travis, but I think that I listened one song of his.

  2. Valenttina, I like Pink Floyd too, but I have never listen Travis, In this moment I'll listen the song on the link :)

  3. Hello!
    Also i like pink floy, but i dont know Travis, i promise listen his

  4. I have to say this: I hate you so much. No, I can't hate you haha, I'm joking. But I discovered that they came to play in Chile THE SUNDAY!!! since that I've been crying in the corners and hating everyone because nobody tells me that they come to Chile and I miss the show.
    I'm so sad :(
