Thursday, December 1, 2016

An ambition

Hello, today is a very hot day, but I am very cold in this room. I don´t know. Maybe I am very sensitive to cold.
Today I am going to talk about an ambition that I have. Well, the first obviesly is finish the career, but also I am thinking on  something more bigger than that. I said in a post before that I would like to be a cosmologist but that is a most a unreal ambition. The plan I am thinking now, is to be a very energetic ecologist. I am constantly thinking in the global warming and how is our relation with the nature. Is something very important that needs  the agreement of all the societies. We need to raise again the way about how we are living with the nature, and the big corporation must stop working in a toxic model that is danger for the planet.
Why I would like to achieve this ambition? well because is important to everyone and not just for me. The ecological damage is not just a thing about the planet, is also consecuence of the social relations and the inequality between groups in the society. Is a complex topic that deserve our attention.
Well, too many people inspired me to try to think different. To work with a notion of responsability about the enviroment and the society, One of that pearsons is Annie Leonard. She is a ecologist that made a critique response about the consumerism in EE.UU, and also she proposed another alternative more sustainable. She is a very compromised pearson and she traveled arround world searchig for the consecuencies of the capitalism and the consumerism. Maybe If you are interested, you would like to read her book called the "story of the stuff".
This ambition, as you can suppose is not too easey. It needs the help of everyone and well... I don' know if I will be succsessful in all the aspects about the care of the enviroment. But I have hope. That's makes me more happy.

See you!


  1. It's a very nice ambition and cause

  2. Well, is a great ambition! :) I think that is really important be responsible with the environment because is our home.

  3. Your amibition is very nice :) Is so sad that exist people like Donald Trump that said that the global warming is a lie D:

  4. I think it is a very relevnant concern. I have been interetsted in ecology for a long time. Only recently I kind of lost hope with the stance of corporations. I think as individuals we can still do a lot of things to help the planet.Thanks for this post

  5. Sorry I can't stop to thinking in the "green people" concept, it's like to say that the vegetarian people are "grass eaters" don't know.
    About your ambition, I think that the world needs more people who cares about the ecological damage.
    I work in the thinks that I can do in my house like recycling and reusing materials but I need to learn about more important (and big) actions. I'm gonna read about Annie Leonard.
