Thursday, October 6, 2016

A fragile gift

Hello! How are you? today I am little sick and I feel really bad. I want to go home and sleep. But anyway, I have to keep working and I am going to tell you a a short story about a fragil present that I recived when I was 13 years old.
I remember that day. Was a night of Christmas and my family and I finshed to eat. Suddenly my mother left the room and my father went to the living. My sister and I went with my father and we started to talk abouth things that now I don't remeber.  I was opening a gift and talking with my sister when something strange appeared to us in the corridor. It was a little white rabbit with brown spots in her body. My mother had put a red ribbon in her ears. I remember that I was so happy. I had always love the rabbits and that little and fragil animal was so cute. It was just a baby and her steaps were so short when she was walking In the corridor. My father told to us that the rabbit was a present to my sister and I , and they wanted that we took care of her. I went to pick up the rabbit and with my sister we called her "Lola".  After a few years Lola was mother and she had five little rabbits. It was a litle stressful to take care of six rabbits, but was also funny.
Now Lola, is not with us. She died four years ago. And I was really sad. But I still  preserving a remeber of her: one if her daughters called "Diana Ross", but all in my house call her "Negra" because she is a black rabbit. She actually has 8 years old, and that is fantastic for a rabbit because they don't live too much.
 That's all folks!

She is Diana Ross or "Negra" in her last birthday


  1. Sorry to hear about Lola. My 16 year old cat died this year. One really misses them. Diana Ross is a brilliant name.
    Get well soon

  2. Oh! Beautiful memory. My Milonga came in Christmas too! It was magic. Maybe could you upload pictures of Lola and Diana Ross, isn't? :)
