Thursday, October 27, 2016

A job I would like to have

Hello everyone! I hope you are well. Today as the title said, I am going to talk about a job that I would like to have. Now I am studing for being a sociologist and I like it. But the career can be stressful sometimes and the sociology wasn't the only career that I wanted to study. When I was in the secundary I wanted to be a genetic engineer. I loved all about DNA. But I choose a very different path. Now is the same, I like the sociology but also I would like to work in another job very very different. I have discovered that I like very much the idea of being  a cosmologist and I know that is weird. I would like to have this job because I think that is awesome and interesting. The cosmologist hypothesize about the origin of the cosmos and the universe. They work with the chemistry, the physics, the maths and they use interisting instruments that are innovated constantly. I like the topics about the death and the origin of the stars, the galaxys,and the blak holes. I read articles about that and I enjoyed it. 
Unfortunately, this job need specifics skills that I don't have. The maths are not my speciality although I like it (I had never understand this contradiction in my life) and with the physics is the same story. However I still dreaming to understand someday (specially the relativity theory) I think that, despite the difficulties, this kind knowledge can give me a lot of answers and new questions to imagine. You can travel to differents countries to investigate and collaborate with another disciplines and also produce new knowledge. That is very important.

That's all folks


  1. oooh maybe you can do a social theory, and also explain the universe

  2. It's very unexpected and amazing! I'm agree with you about how interesting is the study of universe, but is necessary skills many specifics in maths and physics :(

  3. Oh, I think that it's a very interesting área, but you can work in that in your trench: the sociology.
    It's important to know, that everything it's possible.

  4. I never would have thought of cosmology. The universe is large and mysterious.

  5. DNA? Cosmology? I wanted to study astronomy when I finish the secundary! " I like the topics about the death and the origin of the stars, the galaxys,and the blak holes. ", I understand you completely :D
