Thursday, October 13, 2016

A friend of mine

Hello! I feel better now because I am not sick anymore and that is great! Today I am going to talk about a friend of mine. I have two special friends:Denisse and Karen,  and is unfair if I  talk about just one of them. But, anyway, I going to choose Karen for now and I will give my apologize to Denisse later.
Karen  is my friend since the second year of the secundary and, she is 21 years old , and now she is studing Music Pedagogy in the Mayor University. This is her second year in the university.
I met Karen when I was in the first year of the secundary. I don´t remember how specifically  I met her but I remember that I didn't like her before.  And I think that she was scared of me (she confirmed my suspicions  when we consolidated our friendship). I didn´t like her before because she was very chatterbox and she was scared of me because I was very silent and observer. We started to talk with the help of a friend in common: Pancho but we didn a big tie in the firt moment.
After Pancho left the school (in the second grade) suddenly Karen and I started to talk more. That time coincided when I joined to the school choir and also Karen was there. We were singers in the same section (we were "contralto / alto") and our friendship started to grow. She helped me with my weak voice and I helped her with the tuning. We discovered that we had the same preferences of music and arts (she is a master of drawing and is very creative.). We love the musical "Les Miserables" and we sang in there in fourth grade.... and another things in common, like some movies. Also we had the same opinions about specific situations, like if something was unfair and we had to reclaim, etc.
Now, because of the  specific and separated paths that we chose, we think different in many things. But It isn´t a problem, because we can debate now and is funny sometimes. I would like to see Karen more times. The last year I saw her just two times! But we talked on chat. She is very busy with her career and me too. The last time I saw her was in september and I gave her birthday's present and we talked about our lives.
That's all folks!!


  1. oh! it is a long friendship :3 ... I think the differences make the most interesting relationships and the more empathic people :)

  2. And do you continue singing? Nice picture, by the way

  3. I love Les miserables!! It's awesome that you sang it :O

  4. My best friend and me are really diferent too and is a very good thing to learn to each other :)

  5. With Valeria, we love Les Miserables too!!!
