Thursday, October 20, 2016


Hello everyone! Today I am going to talk about a book that I am reading. I am  always reading many differents books at the same time, so I  don't know what to choose. I don't want to talk about the books that I had to read to my last test of the "Sociología de las organizaciones" because I think that was very boried. So, I will present to you a book that I am reading sice the last year (yeah, I haven't had time even in vacations to finish it). Is a very intereseting  academic book called : ¿América Latina moderna? by Jorge Larraín who exposes the notions about the modernity, but making a critic reflection about the specific context in America latina, because the science an the politics continues thinking abouth the modernity with the notions of the European modernity.  The author consider the  idea that we need to examinate the reality of América Latina with the history of their differents countries in the region,  and their conections with the globalization and the establishment of the neoliberal politics and how that expansion of the globalization affect the identity of the countries that accept thats politics. 
Is a very interesting book that makes me think about the implications of the globalization in my own country and what is what we think when we talk about the modernity and the development of the society.  Is the modernity  something that must  be equal in al the countries and  all the context? What is happen with the model of the modernity in our own region?

That's all folks!

This is the cover of the book


  1. Wow, the book seems very interesting. I had to read of Jorge Larrain about the chilean identity and I think that is a author very important for the discussion about the modernity :)

  2. Hello
    I like so much the books of the America Latina, I think that exist very history that narrate.

  3. yeah, I think this is a very problem with us, this stupid thoguh about "have to be like USA or Europe" ¬¬ I think we can't move on if we forgive our roots

  4. I really like the latin american studies, and the perspectives from the south :)

  5. I usually read differents books at the same time, too! It remember me that meme about "kind of readers": the polygamous reader, haha. The issue about modernity in Latin America is very interesting. One of the latest books of Mayol is about that; I have the book but I couldn't read it yet.
