Thursday, December 15, 2016

this is the end... my only friend

Hello guys! this is my last post in the blog and also is the last session in the english class. So now, I am going to talk about how  it was my semester in general. 
I think, this second semester was not too horrible like the previous. I enjoyed more the different classes, and also I learned a lot, like, in Theory IV. Also the califications wasn't too bad like in my firts semester so that is a good thing.
This semester was funny I think. Maybe because  I didn't have the strees of theory III and also Statitics IV, so I could have more free time to read. Also this semester my group and I, finished our investigation about the artistic education in the "Liceo experimental Artístico". It was an interesting experience and I learned a lot about  how to work with the communities. I hope to make more investigations in the future, but maybe in another topics (very different topics) like the society and the enviroment, the differents religion and another things.
Another good thing, was that english IV was not too horrible how I thought before. Actually I enjoyed the class because it was very dinamic and the activities were funny sometimes (thanks miss!), so it helped me to stop the strees for a moment in all the weeks. I like the english languaje and I hope to continue perfecting my speech and my vocabulary in the future.
Now, maybe a bad thing about this semester was the fatigue. I liked the subjects but, how I dindn't had winter holidays (just two days I think) I was very tired when the second semester started. I remember that the firtst day I wanted to go home and sleep forever, but... anyway. Is almost the end now so, I will try to not worry anymore.
I hope you could have a good finalization of this semester  and also have great holidays! 
See you in the future!

Thursday, December 1, 2016

An ambition

Hello, today is a very hot day, but I am very cold in this room. I don´t know. Maybe I am very sensitive to cold.
Today I am going to talk about an ambition that I have. Well, the first obviesly is finish the career, but also I am thinking on  something more bigger than that. I said in a post before that I would like to be a cosmologist but that is a most a unreal ambition. The plan I am thinking now, is to be a very energetic ecologist. I am constantly thinking in the global warming and how is our relation with the nature. Is something very important that needs  the agreement of all the societies. We need to raise again the way about how we are living with the nature, and the big corporation must stop working in a toxic model that is danger for the planet.
Why I would like to achieve this ambition? well because is important to everyone and not just for me. The ecological damage is not just a thing about the planet, is also consecuence of the social relations and the inequality between groups in the society. Is a complex topic that deserve our attention.
Well, too many people inspired me to try to think different. To work with a notion of responsability about the enviroment and the society, One of that pearsons is Annie Leonard. She is a ecologist that made a critique response about the consumerism in EE.UU, and also she proposed another alternative more sustainable. She is a very compromised pearson and she traveled arround world searchig for the consecuencies of the capitalism and the consumerism. Maybe If you are interested, you would like to read her book called the "story of the stuff".
This ambition, as you can suppose is not too easey. It needs the help of everyone and well... I don' know if I will be succsessful in all the aspects about the care of the enviroment. But I have hope. That's makes me more happy.

See you!

Thursday, November 24, 2016


Hello! Today I  practiced a little of my english vocabulary, and well, the marks were ... good?
Well, was very disappointing the third activity in the part of reading. I think one of my problems is that I read fast and I am a little impatient when I try to find the answer. So, I usually don't reed all the words that are necesary to understand the complete text  But, generally, I like read in english and I don´t have that kind of problems... but anyway I will try to be more slow in my reading.
I think,  the most difficult part for me is the listening, and I don't know exactly why. When I llisten the miss in the class, I can undersatnd, But when I am listening a recording of a voice in a machine I can't hear very good. Also, I like the british acent (I think is very cool) but when I hear their voices in the machine I don't uderstand anything! I hope to treat that illness someday (before the exam)
And in the vocabulary, the story was the same like in the first activity. I was very rushed reading. So I really need to try to solve that problem.
In the next opportinity I will try to practice more of my listening and the reading.
That's all folks!

Thursday, November 17, 2016


Hello! Today is a very hot day. I would like to go to any beach right now. But anyway... today I am going to talk about someone... I'll give you some clues:
Who is someone? is a very special pearson to me and for my sister .I meet this pearson when I was  13 years old (maybe, I don't remember the age exactly). I always liked the old movies and someday, my uncle lend us a box with a lot of movies. My sister and I inspect the box and there were a diferent kinds of movies. Some of the movies were like, westerns, old films in black and white, and movies very recomended like "Cinema Paradiso" and "El tambor de hojalata". Anyway, classic movies. And this man was in many of the movies.
 Yeah! fisrt clue,  This pearson is a male. He was born in the of the 19th century and lived for the  big part of the 20th century. He grown in in the poor localities of England and he had a very sad history. Specially for the circustances of his family: His father abandoned his family, and his mother, that was a singer and also  had mental problems, had to take care of his brother and also him. After that his mother had to stay in a nursing home, he and his brother went to a school for orphaned childrens. Then he started to study and continued working in very differents works. After a very complicated story, he became a very recongized actor (I know, I cut a big part of the biograpgy, but it was so long!). And now he is remember like a famous actor of his time and also for a polemic about his recognition.
Second clue:  The controversy  was about the Oscar prize. The academy didn't wanted to give the prize to a comunist. And also he was exiled in another country for his politics convictions. Just, when this actor was very old (he was 85 I think), the academy gave him the Honorific Oscar for all his work.
Third clue: How was his work? Well, was very funny. Most of his work was comedy, with a drop of sadness. Also he was very critic with the nazis in the second world war. And now his is remember for a special speech in a satiric movie.
Fourth and also the final clue: He was friend of Albert Einstain.

If He would lived today, I would like to ask him what  he thinks about the society today. Maybe he could give a very amazing analisis.
Well, I gave you all the clues. Can you imagine who he is?

P.s: If you think this has no sense, then  go directly to the link.

That's all folks

Thursday, November 10, 2016

My favourite artist

Hi! are you well?. Today I am going to talk about my favourite artist and again... is difficult. I have a lot and some of them are really important in my live. I think the music makes the memories more special and well, for every special situation exist a special song. I like bands like Pink Floyd, Creedence Clearwater Revival, The Beatles , Led Zepellin (they are the clasics) and another bands like Coldplay  (the old Coldplay), Travis and Muse. But, for now, I think that I am going to talk about Travis, because the band came to Santiago the last saturday.
I discoverd Travis when I was a child but in that time I didn't knew them. I used to listen their songs in the radio, and when I had my first laptop I discovered the name of the band. That was the same story for all my favourite bands, except for the clasics, because my father knew them.
What I like about Travis? obviously their songs but also I like  the emotions that they transmit. The music is simple (they don't have the complexity of Pink Floyd) but is nice and sometimes the stories behind the songs are really sad or at least makes you think about your live in another perspective.
Maybe you know some of their songs. Songs like: "Side", "Why does it always rain on me", "Closer", Re -offender" and "Flowers in the window".  My favourites are "Side", "Re-offender" (specifically the intention behind this song) and " "Writing to reach you".  Also "I like Why does it always rain on me", buy I listen that song when something really bad happens to me...just in cases.
How I said before. Travis came to Chile the last saturday, in the Padre Alberto Hurtado Park. Was a great show and they sang all my favourites songs and  also the vocalist was very funny. He went down to the audience and then, he get on the shoulders of a man called Alvaro, and he started to sing in there. I think that Alvaro was really surprised and happy after all.

That's all folks!

Thursday, October 27, 2016

A job I would like to have

Hello everyone! I hope you are well. Today as the title said, I am going to talk about a job that I would like to have. Now I am studing for being a sociologist and I like it. But the career can be stressful sometimes and the sociology wasn't the only career that I wanted to study. When I was in the secundary I wanted to be a genetic engineer. I loved all about DNA. But I choose a very different path. Now is the same, I like the sociology but also I would like to work in another job very very different. I have discovered that I like very much the idea of being  a cosmologist and I know that is weird. I would like to have this job because I think that is awesome and interesting. The cosmologist hypothesize about the origin of the cosmos and the universe. They work with the chemistry, the physics, the maths and they use interisting instruments that are innovated constantly. I like the topics about the death and the origin of the stars, the galaxys,and the blak holes. I read articles about that and I enjoyed it. 
Unfortunately, this job need specifics skills that I don't have. The maths are not my speciality although I like it (I had never understand this contradiction in my life) and with the physics is the same story. However I still dreaming to understand someday (specially the relativity theory) I think that, despite the difficulties, this kind knowledge can give me a lot of answers and new questions to imagine. You can travel to differents countries to investigate and collaborate with another disciplines and also produce new knowledge. That is very important.

That's all folks

Thursday, October 20, 2016


Hello everyone! Today I am going to talk about a book that I am reading. I am  always reading many differents books at the same time, so I  don't know what to choose. I don't want to talk about the books that I had to read to my last test of the "Sociología de las organizaciones" because I think that was very boried. So, I will present to you a book that I am reading sice the last year (yeah, I haven't had time even in vacations to finish it). Is a very intereseting  academic book called : ¿América Latina moderna? by Jorge Larraín who exposes the notions about the modernity, but making a critic reflection about the specific context in America latina, because the science an the politics continues thinking abouth the modernity with the notions of the European modernity.  The author consider the  idea that we need to examinate the reality of América Latina with the history of their differents countries in the region,  and their conections with the globalization and the establishment of the neoliberal politics and how that expansion of the globalization affect the identity of the countries that accept thats politics. 
Is a very interesting book that makes me think about the implications of the globalization in my own country and what is what we think when we talk about the modernity and the development of the society.  Is the modernity  something that must  be equal in al the countries and  all the context? What is happen with the model of the modernity in our own region?

That's all folks!

This is the cover of the book